
Taking a break from puppy land

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Xena learned how to stay and come here within 15 minutes and she retained it. We work with her every other day on her commands and on the off days we work on her tracking. When i can get a decent camcorder I will record her training but for now it has to be pictures.


My love for dogs has been around I believe since I was born. I decided to start this blog to show the progress of Xena's training in Schutzhund and the hurdles and the irritating people I have thus far come across. I hope that you will find this an interesting blog and even have any suggestions to help me along the way with her training. At any time Xena's training will stop in Schutzhund if she shows any non interest in any part of the training. I refuse to use aides such as shocking my dog to get her where she needs to be. I believe in positive reinforcement and thus far has been working in training my dog. At 10 weeks of age she weighs in at 30 pounds and she knows her hand commands, voice commands, and is even potty trained. Yes you heard right..potty trained..She is one of the smartest German Shepard's that i know of or any dog for that matter. She is eager to learn. We have started her on her tracking and she loves it. I have already ran up against people in a Schutzhund club who; how can i put this politely, shocked their dogs to the point of them yelping and just didn't care for newcomers into the sport. Needless to say I moved on and in a search for a reputable club to aid me in her training. All i have to say to that group is wait til you see us on the field..